2784 Governor General's Foot Guards (GGFG) Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps (RCACC) is part of the largest youth group in Canada, the Canadian Cadet Organization. This program is sponsored by the Canadian Forces and the Army Cadet League of Canada.


  1. Develop in youth the attributes of good citizenship and leadership

  2. Promote physical fitness

  3. Stimulate the interest of youth in the activities of the Canadian Forces


comprehensive program which includes:

  • trekking and camping

  • training in survival skills

  • team sports

  • first aid

  • instructional skills

The program also offers competitive teams:


Cadets use the Daisy 853C air rifle, 10 m distance, aiming at paper targets.


This sport is a combination of cross-country skiing or running and marksmanship.


Combines physical fitness and ability to use a map and compass to find designated points in an unfamiliar environment.

Military band

Cadets learn about music theory and participate in the band.

Drill team

A group of cadets practice precision drill movements for display and competition purposes.


We parade at Cartier Square Drill Hall on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 – 9:00 PM.

To learn even more about the program check out Cadets Canada and the Army Cadet League of Canada.

For more direct information email us at 2784army@cadets.gc.ca